January 19, 2023

I haven't posted on this blog for a month. It's been pretty rough as I miss John so much and I have literally been in a funk! I have suffered some depression and well, January is the worst month of the year for me. I will be back soon with stories and pictures :) 

"We love you Elder Conrad"

December 18, 2022

First area

John is in the mission field. His first area is Ashland, Kentucky! 
I have been told he is 'VERY happy'. These pictures prove it. 

My Mama heart strings are tugging, especially as this will be his first Christmas away from home BUT the fact he is testifying of the divinity of the ONE whose birth we will be celebrating, makes my heart full of joy! I love you, my son! 💙

"We love you Elder Conrad"

December 14, 2022

West Virginia bound

The day is here!  After a week of 'Home MTC' and 2 weeks at the Provo MTC, it is time to head to the mission field.  John had to be up bright and early this morning for his flight to West Virginia. 

He has thoroughly enjoyed the MTC and has met some amazing young men and women. He has had a great experience and made some lifelong friends. 

He survived the food! :) He loved the chocolate milk and even had 2 days where he fasted for 36 hours.  His District Leaders were sick and he wanted to fast for their well being. 

I received word that he arrived safe and sound and would be staying at the mission home for the night.

Very excited to hear what's next! 

"We love you Elder Conrad"

December 08, 2022

Angels on earth

I am a firm believer that we have angels who surround us here on earth and ones who have passed on from this earth. 
This is the first of hopefully many situations where someone takes a picture of my son and sends it to me. 
The text message read: 
"Hi this is Mary Kae Nielson, look who we saw in the MTC"

When I saw the picture and read the text, my eyes welled and I smiled so big. It was such a wonderful surprise.  It was a week ago that we dropped John off at the MTC and so today was a little hard.  My spirits were really lifted looking at this picture. It truly was perfect timing. 

He looks so HAPPY!! I mean, just look at that smile! I am sure he was thrilled it was 'Pizza day' but still - he doesn't fake happiness. He exudes happiness.

One more week and he heads to the West Virginia Charleston Mission! 

"We love you Elder Conrad"

December 07, 2022

One week has passed

It's been one week since we saw our son/brother/uncle. To me it feels like a month! I still haven't gone into his room. The door has been shut. I think I will plan to open the door and walk in soon. I just know it will bring a FLOOD of tears and I don't think I am ready for that just yet :) I will try to focus on the fact that being a missionary is a wonderful thing and he is doing GREAT things. 

If you are not following John Conrad on Facebook, I encourage you to do so. He will be sharing some amazing messages on there. I was very happy to see he had posted his first one since he has been at the Provo MTC. 

He wrote: 

What a great quote! I haven't thought of it like that before.

How can you serve others? One way I've been serving others in the MTC is I open any doors I can for others.

Comment below some ways you serve others. #service

My response:

I can just imagine you opening the doors and standing quite a while as you do so 
 I saw you do this so many times and was always grateful for you doing this. Your Grandfather lived a life of service. He was always doing things for others and was at his happiest when he was doing so. One of the simple ways I serve others is by texting people to let them know I am thinking of them and asking if there is anything I can do to help them. Lately, I have been reminded that I need to ACT on this. I not only should ask people if there is anything I can do for them....I need to think of things they may need and just do it! Keep up the good work, son. You were born to do amazing things. I love you! 

I am looking forward to seeing more of these wonderful posts!

"We love you Elder Conrad"

December 02, 2022

Wonderful day!

What a wonderful change it was to allow missionaries to call weekly. 
It has been just over 48 hours since I saw my son and it feels like 48 days - like seriously!!! 

I can't even imagine only hearing his voice 4 times like it used to be. To see his face and hear his voice is JUST what I needed. 

It was great to hear how he has settled. He admitted his first day/night was hard. Not keen on the food but he assured me the chocolate milk is delicious! 

I will go to sleep much better this evening! 

"We love you Elder Conrad"

December 01, 2022

See you later, my dear son!!!

Can someone tell me when a Mom stops crying once she has dropped off her missionary at the MTC? 

Today's post is just a bunch of pictures from yesterday without words.....for obvious reasons ;)

"We love you Elder Conrad"